Hi everyone,
Next week we will be having make-up lessons on Wednesday instead of Thursday. Please check the make-up schedule that was sent out by email and confirm whether or not you are available for your lesson time by calling the school. All drum lessons will be virtual next week as there will be two drum teachers teaching on the same day.
Here are your assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: Practice up to the end of the second line on the third page of Tom Sawyer.
How to practice it most effectively: Focus this week on the section that starts with the last line of page 2. Practice each measure slowly make sure you can count every rhythm. Then practice playing through the whole section without stopping. Still keep it slow until all the transitions feel comfortable. Then, finally, try to gradually increase the speed.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day
What to practice: Review the accent patterns and practice playing them together with the jazz ride pattern: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10YGpSqgr9Z2SExyhXz7k1evG3C0t2VEc?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: Focus this week on accent patterns #27-30. Play them slowly at first to make sure that you have the correct timing and sticking for each accent. Once they start to feel secure, then try playing them a bit faster. Then, practice playing the jazz ride pattern three times in a row followed by the accent pattern once (just like on the sheet). Also, practice playing the accents on the toms.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day
What to practice: Review the second verse of “Arabella” and practice the second pre-chorus: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Dga1ZBRWaN_Ka4O1G009w-74c4VaZCj7?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: In the second verse, practice playing the fill at measures 22-23 slowly and be careful to keep your sticking consistent. The last snare note in measure 22 should be played with the left hand, then the following notes in measure 23 should continue in this pattern: R L R L R. It is important that the rhythm of this fill is steady and fits within the pulse of the song. In the pre-chorus, focus on the fill in measures 31-32. The groups of notes marked with a “6” above them can each be subdivided into two groups of three notes. These groupings line up with the rhythm played by your left foot on the hi-hat pedal.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day
What to practice: Review beats 1-4 from the page of ghost note beats: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SCS8WVjfR1OZVlYmt8a1r2LTxo2NJOpN?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: Practice these beats slowly and count in your head as you play. This will help to decipher the rhythms and to play the beat correctly. You can also separate the bass and snare rhythm from the pulse on the hi-hat and practice it alone. This will help to solidify the rhythm. Once you are comfortable playing the beat at a slow speed, then try to gradually increase the speed without letting the rhythm fall apart.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day
What to practice: Practice your double strokes, paradiddles, and drags as well as the beat and fills from “Chameleon” by Herbie Hancock: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KGeo9VGh3JOWzwpGhEe1DbXMRuQiG7lL?usp=sharing
How to practice it most effectively: The main beat from “Chameleon” by Herbie Hancock incorporates a drag which starts on the snare drum and ends on the bass drum. Once you have finished practicing your rudiments, then practice playing the drag between your left hand and right foot. This is how the Chameleon beat starts. Play this drag along with the rest of the beat. Then move onto Fill #1. This fill uses a flam on the snare drum which is another rudiment we have learned.