
Technical Exercises 

  • Finding and playing 5 finger major scales in a C, G, and D position. (Watching out for F# in D Major!)
  • Practicing a C Major 1 octave scale, hands separately – practicing as solid blocked hand positions (groups of 3 and 5 fingers), as well as stepping through the whole scale.

Bartok – Practicing reading exercises #1-3 hands separately and together.

  • Finding starting notes (FACE in the space for Treble clef, All Cows Eat Grass for Bass clef) and watching for steps up or down as you play through first hands separately, then together.

Lunar Eclipse – Continuing work hands together in our first section.

  • Practicing Left Hand on its own so you know where it will be leaping. Double check and write in notes if you need to.
  • When adding hands together, remember that we are passing the idea back and forth between our LH melody and RH C minor triad pattern.