FarPlay:  “Completely Effortless”
says professional Flutist Emi Ferguson

Hello Everybody!

As you know we are going to be using FarPlay.io for our lessons starting September 1st.

Be sure that you have downloaded it, installed it, and tested your setup for your lessons now, even if you are In-Person-Hybrid, and don’t anticipate needing it most of the time.  This will help you be ready to simply go online when the time comes.

Professional musicians worldwide are embracing this technology, so they can play together.  This has always been a block for online experiences, especially for music lessons, and helps us close the gap on a complete and fulfilling online music experience.  It isn’t enough for us to teach you with an experience gap, because it is when you can play with other people that the magic of music springs to life, and gives you the highest level of satisfaction.

Your FarPlay digital studio number is on the digital portal of our website.  Bookmark this page for quick access.

If you are more curious about a professional’s experience, click either of the video images to watch a short video about Emi Ferguson’s experience.

See you starting on Tuesday, September 5th!


the ABC Team