-Warmups (1min each):
Triplet Exercise 95bpm
1 measure RH; 2mm LH
Sixteenth-note Exercise 70bpm
One time through each pattern, then switch hands
*Syncopation Book (on the google drive)
*p. 8, ex. 1-7:
Read the top line as snare drum
Toto: Hold the Line
*first four bars of groove
*pay attention to the extra bass and hihat splash in teh fourth measure
**Audition Prep
**Solo #11 -first three lines
focus on clean double strokes
-Scale pattern: one-octave scale, arpeggio, broken thirds
-Sailing in the Sun ***please bring sheet music next week (for me)
*Triplet Exercise (Goal tempo = 100)
1 measure RH, two measures LH
1 minute without a break
*Sixteenth Note Exercise (goal tempo=80bpm)
*Stick Control Ex. 43-50** (120bpm)
*Ex. 40 needs some work – pay extra attention the sticking
Snare drum tuning
*Paradiddles Exercise
Joel Rothman Lesson 14
*Next three lines on first page (2 repetitions of each rhythm)
*Hand Exercises #3-4 (two repetitions of each exercise)
*Rock Beats # (4 times each)
-Ex. 1 and 2 from Lesson 1 in the GH Green book
G Major Scale
F Major Scale
New Scale next Week
*Pno book pg 42
Hannaford Audition: the Mar-Keys: The Last Night
**Work in some extra drum fills next week
-Warmups (slow, med, fast):
8 on a hand
*Singles, Doubles, and Paradiddles – four counts of each
Roll Exercise (apple-apple-watermelon-watermelon) all single strokes
Basic Beat Level 5! Switchin LH and RH lead
*New beat! (bass drum on “3 +”) We’ll keep working on this next week
Fruit Salad Game
*Worksheet – Alfred Lesson 4 ex. 1-3 (in google drive)
*Xylophone- C Maj scale; reading C and G (p37 in piano book)