You did so well reading the rhythm exercises I showed you. Good for you! I especially liked your rendition of True Colours. We should work on that some more. Keep playing around at the piano keyboard especially the black keys. See if you can make a simple song while playing the black keys. See you soon!
Such good work Chiara. I’m impressed by your ability to memorize songs so quickly. Keep working on singing gently and softly on the high notes. Time to choose another new song from one of your books. See you soon!
Sounding good missy! Do some gentle singing this week especially on your higher notes. Do the humming exercises I taught you. See if you can do a warm up before you see me at your lesson. Looking forward to your new song project!
Heather and Marlowe
Marlowe you have such a sweet voice and very good pitch. I know you are going to make a fine singer. Keep finding songs you love and sing them every day. Heather – you are sounding really good. Remember to be brave with entrances and let those long notes have clear vowels. I look forward to hearing more of your original stuff. See you soon!