Hello Everyone!

Here is the homework for this week!



Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day


Good work Julian! You have a couple new songs this week. You may try out I’m a fine musician, and Paper Airplane. As always be sure to clap and count before you play. You will then count out loud as you play. This week we are looking at pieces that jump around between family numbers, so be on the lookout for that in your songs. Also good luck with Jack in the beanstalk!

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 30 minutes per day


Good work Zoe. Be sure to keep pushing yourself to practice as much as you can every week. We will continue our work on the assigned scaled but make sure to try the melodic scale for each minor key. You can also continue your work on all the current RCM pieces but this week have a listen and choose something you are very interested in.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day


Good work on firefly! Let’s continue to the next song! You can do it, just remember to follow the steps. Use your landmark notes to help you find where you start then you have to look at what direction you are going up or down. Are you stepping or skipping or use a landmark note to help you figure it out.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day


Good work Renaud with your recital piece. Now with Ferris wheel we have to keep working so that we don’t pause after beat 3 in a 3/4 time signature. Just keep going to beat 1. Count 1+2+3+ 1+2+3+. You can also keep working on your staccatos. Be sure that they sound short and jumpy. Don’t hold down these notes they sound very different from your legato notes.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 15-20 minutes per day


Good work Carmen with Snake Charmer. Now we are onto Captain hooks rockin’ tune. Continue to count out loud as you play. Playing hands separately can really help you determine the correct rhythm. You may also begin learning the next song. Always begin by filling in the counting and tapping and counting the song before you play.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day


Good work Ahara. This week keep working on Donkey Riding. We talked about vowels today and how we need to sing on vowels instead of consonants. Listen to the way a word sounds and see if you can sing on that sound. You may also begin listening to the rainbow.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!