Hi Henry and Noreet! Great lessons today! Here is your homework for next week, October 18:
How much to practice: 5-10 mins each day
What to practice: Mary Had a Little Lamb lines 3 and 4, page 16 in Piano Theory Workbook
How to practice:
Mary Had a Little Lamb- Remember that line 3 is just like line 1 except it has 4 Es instead of 3 at the end, use the fingering chart to help you.
Piano Theory page 16: label all the CDEs and colour each note in its correct colour.
How parents can support practice: Follow along the song chart with him, sing along if necessary to help him hear and play the song correctly; guide him with colouring the notes in Theory Workbook as well
How much to practice: 10 min piano, 10 min voice each day
What to practice:
Piano- C scale hands together slowly, Adventure Warmups in C and G
Voice- Warmup exercise we did in lesson, Pina Colada
How to practice:
C scale- Go slow; remember to alternate finger changes between 3 and 4 as well as switching to go down the scale after two octaves
Adventure Warmups- Do not slow down tempo when you play the broken chord, keep each finger on its corresponding key the whole time (especially LH 3 on E)
Voice- Practice singing warmup exercise and Pina Colada with tip of the tongue placed behind lower teeth
How parents can support practice: Monitor her practicing close by to make sure she stays focused and on track