
Listening: Franz Schubert’s “Gute Nacht” from Winterreise (“Good Night” from Winter Journey)

Technical Exercises

Continuing in  B Major – Review fingerings from attached page for scales (LH especially just to be confident!) and triads.

-Triads – watching out that we are always outlining each chord inversion with fingers 1 and 5 (which feels much different from our arpeggio fingerings in this key).

-Broken triads – practicing hands separately thinking about leading from our elbow! “Drawing circles” going down and out from the center with your elbows as you play each inversion.


Focusing in on #20-24 – double checking details like strange key signatures, noticing when our patterns are broken, working through trying to keep your eyes an entire measure ahead of what you are playing!

Lesson Book – Sonatina in F Major

Working hands separately, watching for patterns and things that you recognize (like scales, triad shapes, etc.). 

-Practicing slowly in small groups of measures, focusing in on places that may catch us off guard like measures 19-22 where our pattern changes.

-For LH, being careful to check in and relax our hand/wrist – use your arm to help stay relaxed like our broken triad exercises.


Continue HS work – keeping your pencil handy to mark in any unfamiliar notes on ledger lines, any extra fingerings that you need reminders of, as well as circling/starring any new ideas that may catch you off guard (like the shift in harmony at the very end)

-for RH: focusing in and practicing sections where we have a lot of textures in one hand (like in measures 24-26 or so)

-for LH: playing LH jumps as a solid blocked chord (like we talked about in Pierrot and Pierrette) so that we are able to understand how much or little things change between chords.



Technical Exercises

Practicing 5 finger major scale patterns, starting on C, G, D, A, and E 

-finding chords/major triads in each position using fingers 1-3-5

Distant Chimes

Doubling checking starting notes for each new hand position, mark down the note names for your starting positions. 

-Practice hands separately and hands together as solid chords in fingers 1 and 5 to get used to the changing hand positions.



Technical Exercises

5 finger scales starting on C, G, and D.

-Practicing stepping legato/smoothly, and staccato/bouncy; saying note names and finger numbers out loud. Practice hands separately and together, trying out in different registers of the keyboard.

Lesson Book – Pages 42-46, focusing on reading steps on the staff around Middle C and Treble G. Faber scans for Clara – 42-46