Hey guys, progress only happens according to how much you practice!!


Remember, music-making is all about sound production and how well you are in control of the rhythm.  Progress in your playing, besides being how much you practice, is how well you practice!  Simple, eh?

Minutes to practice: 45 minutes a day.
What to practice: All of the pieces listed in your book.
How to practice it most effectively: H.S. if need be, keeping an eye on EVERYTHING that’s written on the page, to make sure you’re doing everything right!  And, most importantly, if you play something that was wrong or could be better, DO NOT continue on in the piece, stop, figure out what went wrong or could have been played better, then start FROM AN EARLIER POINT IN THE PHRASE!!
How parents/grandmother can support practice:  Make sure he’s doing the above.


Practice, practice, practice, and please try to come to lessons regularly.  Keep your fingers curved, hands like claws, and make your fingers do the work of pressing down keys, not your wrists or forearms.

Minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day.
What to practice: All of the pieces in your book that have ‘May 19’ written on the page.
How to practice it most effectively: Connect notes that are different.  This is called legato, so that there is no break in the sound going from one note to the other.  And, once you’re finished playing that note, make sure that finger comes HIGH OFF the key!
How parents can support practice:  Make sure he’s doing the above.