Hello all,

It’s nice to hear you making progress on your instrument! Remember that the more consistent you can be with your effort, the easier it is to get where you want to!

Student 1: Caedan

Keep up the enthusiasm!

Recommended minutes to practice:   10 minutes per day

What to practice:   start with Old Macdonald, keep doing 2 pages a day, go back and review what you already learned, try one with a metronome at the speed that is playable

How to practice it most effectively: take your time to play, watch for different types of notes (quarter, half, whole notes)

How parents can support practice: Keep an eye on hand shape (like he is holding a ball), and check that he is using the correct fingers

Student 2: Oliver- You played Lonely Pine nicely. Well done.

Recommended minutes to practice:   15 minutes per day

What to practice:  Lil Liza Jane, blues chords and scale -see link


How to practice it most effectively:  Take your time to find the correct hand position and starting notes, add your musicality (louds, softs, and feeling)

How parents can support practice: Schedule consistent practice time, listen to great pianists/ instrumentalists.

Student 3: Linda

Your playing is so musical! Keep it up!

Recommended minutes to practice:   30 min per day

What to practice:   Scales- keep working on all that you have learned so far- C maj, A min (natural and harmonic), F maj, D min(natural and harmonic) , chromatic scale, Hanon book, theory unit 6

Repertoire: Etude in C major- good start hands together, use metronome and gradually increase the speed

Starry Night- keep working on pedal, right hand melody a little stronger than left, try to memorize a section at a time