Hello Everyone! Some great work was done in lessons this week.




Today we reviewed our C Major and G Major scales. Continue to warm up with these as you practice at home. Try playing both hands together slowly. We sight read “Cathedral Chimes” and “Sounds from the Gumdrop Factory” today from the Piano Adventures 2B book. A copy of “Gumdrop Factory” has been uploaded to the shared google drive in the “student-specific resources” file. Continue to practice this piece hands separately at home, paying close attention to the note values and rhythms in the piece. We also talked about sharps and flats on the piano and how the black keys have 2 names (e.x C sharp – C# and D flat – Db) I’ve also given a fill in the blank sheet to be filled out.




Today we reviewed our C Major and B Major scales. Start practicing B Major hands together at home, and continue to play C major hands together. Vida can also practice C Major in contrary motion (right hand plays the scale ascending while the left hand plays the scale descending) if she feels confident. We also played “Sounds from the Gumdrop Factory” today from the Piano Adventures 2B book. A copy of this song has been uploaded to the shared google drive in the “student-specific resources” file. Please help Vida as this song shows both the right hand part and the left hand part written together. Practice each hands separately paying close attention to the note values and rhythms in the piece. Use the metronome at home to help with the eighth notes.


Thank you everyone! I’m excited to play more songs from different books next week.

Happy Practicing :)