Hello Everyone!
We had some awesome lessons today!
Today we reviewed Jingle Bells. There has been a noticeable improvement since last week, especially in her sight reading! Today we talked about chords and learned our G Major, F Major, and C Major chords to accompany the melody of Jingle Bells. I’ve written in the chords for Jingle Bells in the boxes below the melody (right hand). The chords and the melody line up where Noreet should play both hands together. The chords themselves are written on a different page. We talked about playing the “root” note (“G” in G Major, “F” in F major, and “C” in C Major) with the 5th finger of the left hand and building the chord up from there. She should practice playing these chords and switching from chord to chord without the melody first until she in comfortable enough to try adding the right hand back in. Play hands together when confident. We also reviewed the G Major scale today so Noreet can warm up with both her C Major scale and her G Major scale. Practice playing C Major with both hands at the same time. The fingering of when to cross her 3rd and 4th fingers are different for the two hands. The goal is to practice making her fingers do two different things at the same time. Some really great progress today!
Today we reviewed rhythm and our note value pyramid! We revisited the metronome and practiced clapping along to the beat and clapping eighth notes to the beat. Practice this at home with her. Continue to warm up with the C Major and B Major scales with the metronome. Start at 140 BPM and play each note to the beat, then challenge her to try 90 BPM and play eighth notes. The goal is to find the “pocket” where two eighth notes fit into one beat. Vida also played “Do Re Mi” from the Sound of Music. Keep encouraging her to play this as it will help us when reviewing intervals in the New Year. We reviewed Everybody Wants to Rule the World and sight read the bridge of the song. When reading at home, take turns pointing to the notes and naming them. Start by pointing to each note and asking Vida to name it, then switch and ask her to point while you name the note. This will help her associate notes on the staff with the correct letter names. You can slowly play along while you do this. When practicing Everybody Wants to Rule the World, start with the melody/chord page at the front of her book and then add on the notes for the bridge before going back to the chorus on the first page. Great listening and reading today!
Thank you everyone for your work these past few weeks!
A reminder that we are closed December 24th-January 1st. Lessons will resume the week of January 4th. Our first class in the New Year will be January 9th 2025!
Happy Holidays everyone, I will see you in the New Year!