Recommended minutes to practice: Aim to pick up the guitar once a day.
What to practice: Make You Feel My Love – Adele
How to practice it most effectively: Play through the chords, aim to stay familiar with the shapes and we’ll look at this some more next week.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Yellow Submarine – Beatles
How to practice it most effectively: Play through the notes on the bass, aim to stay familiar with this tune and we’ll take a look at it next week.
How parents can support practice: Establishing a regular routine is recommended moving forward. Short sessions that occur regularly would be optimal, 5-10 min/day 4-5 days a week. I’m also reccomending Declan gets started with the “Hal Leonard Bass Method Vol. 1”, would be great if you can pick this up when you get a chance. Should be available at Long & Mcquade or on Amazon.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min/day 4 times a week
What to practice: Page 2 + 3 from Hal Leonard Vol. 2
How to practice it most effectively: Step 1 – Say the counting in a loop. Step 2 – Play the notes on guitar in a loop.
How parents can support practice: I’ve sent a progress report home with Griffin this week, take some time to look through it with him when you get a chance, thank you!
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Highway To Hell – AC/DC
How to practice it most effectively: Review the notes this week, add in the “build” before the chorus, this is where you’ll play the same chord 16 times in a row! Hint – try counting to 8 twice instead of all the way to 16.
How parents can support practice: I’m recommending Jayden gets started with the “Hal Leonard Guitar Method Vol. 1”, would be great if you can pick this up when you get a chance. Should be available at Long & Mcquade or on Amazon.
Have a good week everyone!