
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day

What to practice: All chords for “Help”

How to practice it most effectively: when playing the song, say or speak the words to the song. This helps Cormack to actually learn song form and structure and stops him from counting strums.

How parents can support practice; sit with Cormack and sing/say the words of the songs along with him. Make sure all chords are formed correctly and that he changes from chord to chord quickly.


Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day

What to practice: “African Bass Line”, “Cuban Bass Line”, writing Sam’s own bass line

How to practice it most effectively: pay attention to the syncopation of the notes, practice the examples with special attention to rhythm.

How parents can support practice: have Sam work own writing his own bass line by reminding him of the names of the lines and spaces of the bass clef. These can be found online if Sam forgets.


Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day

What to practice: “Bloody Well Right”, “Goodbye Stranger”

How to practice it most effectively: practice along with the recorded versions of the songs. This will help Simon master the tempo and rhythms of the song

How parents can support practice: Listen for the parts in the song that Simon is playing well and point them out, then point out the areas that could use improving. Simon loves to sing while playing, it might be fun if you sang along with him? Just a thought…


Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day

What to practice: review Charlie Christian’s “Rose Room” solo. This is a matter of repetition. Felix is learning the “vocabulary” of Jazz and, like learning any language, repetition is key.

How to practice it most effectively: paly along with the recording. Then Felix should start working on developing his own solo.

How parents can support practice: Felix is very interested in the development and history of Jazz. I HIGHLY recommend getting the documentary “Jazz” by Ken Burns from the Public Library.


Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day.

What to practice: “Highway To Hell”, “Back In Black”

How to practice it most effectively: the best way is to practice along with the original recordings

How parents can support practice: have Kiran play the sngs for you with th recordings.


Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day

What to practice: first and second solos for “Comfortably Numb”

How to practice it most effectively: play along with the original recording. Listen for timing and rhythm problems and correct them. Sing along with what you play.

How parents can support practice; Josh loves discussing culture, music and the circumstances surrounding the creation of the music he likes. Talking about the things connected to the music strengthens his appreciation for the art form. Add this to his practice time.