
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day

What to practice: the chords for “Help”

How to practice it most effectively: sing or say the words as you go

How parents can support practice; have Cormac play the song for you


Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day

What to practice: the bass lines “African Bass Line” and “Cuban Bass Line” How to practice it most effectively: pay attention to the rests

How parents can support practice; try listening to Cuban and African music with Sam


Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day

What to practice: the intro for “Bloody Well Right” and parts of “Goodbye Stranger”

How to practice it most effectively: play along with the recordings

How parents can support practice; make sure Simon has a set space and time for practice


Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day

What to practice: jazz improvising techniques

How to practice it most effectively: move the licks to all different keys

How parents can support practice; N/A


Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day

What to practice: “American Woman”

How to practice it most effectively: play along with original recording

How parents can support practice: Have Kiran play the song for you along with original recording


Recommended minutes to practice: 30 minutes a day

What to practice: any of the songs we have covered

How to practice it most effectively: play along with the original recordings

How parents can support practice; let Josh listen to your Supertramp records