Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: “Dust In The Wind”
How to practice it most effectively: make sure fingers are placed correctly. Move smoothly from one chord to the other. Listen to the song a few times before our next lesson.
How parents can support practice: part of our lesson for today was spent talking about the lyrics of this song, which have a strong philosophical element. This led to us discussing the fact that most pop music is really quite bereft of depth. Carson seemed to resonate with this; I urged him to find me more music from any era or genre that has some depth. Also, as Carson is a fan of the band Weezer, I took some time to explain how much good rock and roll (and art for that matter)is greatly influenced by that which went before it (Weezer’s most popular hit is a song called “Buddy Holly”). So for this I suggested he listen to the first album by The Ramones, as they are the biggest influence on Weezer.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: “Shallow” and “Time In A Bottle”
How to practice it most effectively: move from one chord to another smoothly. Be careful in fingering the new chords.
How parents can support practice:have Mysha play “Shallow” for you. Listen to the song “Time In A Bottle” with her and have her show you what she is doing with that song.
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 minutes a day
What to practice: all we have learned of “Sweet Creature”
How to practice it most effectively: remember the finger shapes I showed you for the chords
How parents can support practice: make sure Trinity has a set time and place to practice.