Hi Team,
Please download and view the latest make-up week schedule.
There have been some changes, and I remind you to check every day of the week, just in case you are booked for more than one day.
IMPORTANT: If I don’t hear from you with issues/problems, I will assume that all is well, and that you will be here as indicated by the schedule. I am still targeting a student-ready version for this weekend, so please look at the schedule if you have not already done so. My email statistics indicate that of the 22 teachers on the list, only 10 have clicked the schedule link from the last email. That means that less than half of you are aware of what is happening here…it even tells me who clicked the link!
Recital Sign-up
Please get your kids signed up for the recital ASAP.
If you are interested in having food at the Portuguese restaurant attached to the theatre, you need to let me know, because they will only open if we have enough demand. Thanks.