Slurred String Crossings
- make sure string crossing is ahlfway through the bow
- Make sure to fully extend the arm on the D and A strings
Vibrato Twinkle Tennis Ball
- too much hand/wrist rotation, not enough arm rotation and throwing motion
- try to think of the wrist joint being more stationary, and te rotation coming more from the elbow joint
- more throwing motion (think of the shifting motion)
G major scale and arpeggio 2 octaves
- shift is much improved
- left arm up more for the lower strings
D major scale and arpeggio 2 octaves
- left arm up higher for lower strings, when descending.
- Save bow
- check lower strings 1st finger with the open D and A strings
- use whole bow for the arpeggio: also release left hand 1st finger ahead of string crossing
Minuet No 1
- do second position shifting exercise on the G and D strings to prepare for this shift
- then add in the practicing of the piece, but stop on the C on the G string, and check with open C.
- listen for ringing G’s D’s and C’s
When adding the bow
- dotts under a slur: both notes should be even
- everything else is as it comes
- long notes get full value
- pay attention to dynamics, this should effect your bow placement, organization and use
- when adding the bow start under tempo
- save lots of bow for the last note
May Time
- bring fingers accross before string crossings\sustain through string crossings under a slur
- fingers should be ready on the new string before the bow plays
- practice plucking double stops for first bar
- save the bow and slower bow on the eighth notes
- practice with a C drone
- when there is no dash or dott under a tie, we don’t repeat the note
- lower f natural. 2nd finger closer to 1st finger
- time to add the bow! Nice slow sustained slurs
- add dynamics
- poco rit at the end
- try to sustain right up until shifts or string crossings