How many minutes to practice: 15-30mins a day
What to practice: This week Lucas I want you work on repeating the beat and fill at least 4 times. Here is the UPDATED TRANSCRIPTION
How to practice effectively: The link to the video is here:
Hey, remember today when you said you couldn’t do it, and then you did? Yeah we need to break through that wall everyday! You can totally play this beat Lucas just keep giving it your best and then for your last lesson next week we can have some fun and play through a bunch of stuff!
Phenomenal job today!
How many minutes to practice: 30mins a day
What to practice: This week Jonah I want you to continue working the hi-hat thing I showed you for Enemy by Imagine Dragons
How to practice effectively: Take your time and work out that hi-hat rhythm I showed you. Remember that the hi-hat plays with the bass drum on the first note. Next week for your last lesson we can play through your favorite songs afterwards!
Awesome to hang with you today!
How many minutes to practice: 30 mins a day
What to practice: This week Samson I want you to try playing along to this Cuphead tune
How to practice effectively: Have some fun with this song! Next we’ll play through some more things for your last lesson.
Keep up the hard work with your projects!
How many minutes a day to practice: 30
What to practice: This week Sam I want you to work on the Accent Tap exercise, the Peters IV exercise, and the first part of the Anderson .Paak beat from Giget.
How to practice effectively: For the two accent tap exercises I want you to focus on keeping the taps low and consistent as possible supported by the wrist, and then the accents should be relaxed with just a bit of pinky pressure. The goal here is really even, consistent, control. Also try playing that first part of the beat with the 16th note bass drum notes and see if you can get that really comfortable. I recommend playing through the whole tune with that to get used to it.
Congrats on graduation next week!!