Hi everybody! Thanks for your continued effort in practicing every week! Here is what I would like for you to work on for next time.
Sebastian- Here are links to some songs with really great drummers, take a look for some inspiration.
John Bonham of Led Zeppelin- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwiTs60VoTM
Eric Moore- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzeM31yzReU
Questlove- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oR6spc4ETA. Also, take a look at Lesson 4 in the packet and try to learn beats 1-12 for next time.
Ella- Here is the Rylan beat written out. Try to get it to 132 for next time. In addition, work on building up speed on the disco page and getting up to 70.
Jonah- Here is a link to the packet again in case you haven’t gotten it. (https://drive.google.com/openid=12q21Pa0ouqLu4ufYaFwdcrPqMH-Sdn3A). Please try to learn beats 1-12 in Lesson 2 for next time. Also, here is the link to the song maker. Try to save some songs so I can hear in the lesson! https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/
Noah- Have a look at the song maker for next time and see if you can come up with some songs and beats! https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Song-Maker/ Also, try to work the disco page up to 120 bpm to the eighth note. Lastly, try to think of a song that you would like to learn how to play and we can begin working on some music!
Sylvie- Think of a song you’d like to learn and we can begin working on it! Also, try to get the disco page up to 80 bpm with fills.
Koel- This week, try to learn the bottom two lines of the disco page. Get them to any comfortable tempo, but remember to always be listening to the metronome to stay in time.
Samson- Thanks for adjusting the sound settings! It was very helpful. This week, try to learn the rest of Lesson 7 at any comfortable tempo, always listening to stay with the metronome.