Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 min/day
What to practice: “Almost enough” – sing through the whole song, pay attention to any areas where you feel there is strain or tension, and start the phrase again with strong breath support. Also try to imagine where the sound is coming from, if using your head voice, think of a ‘lift’ at the top of your head.
How to practice it most effectively: Sing through sections first. Sing through the chorus on its own, stop if you encounter any difficulty and start again. Practice the improvising verse (oohs and ahs) and allow yourself to explore freely!

Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 min/day
What to practice: warm-ups (lip trills & meows & breathing sips) & song “It’s only getting better”
How to practice it most effectively: practice standing in a relaxed posture (chest, neck, and shoulders relaxed) and use a ‘pretend’ microphone. try to test yourself with memorization by singing it without looking at the lyrics. listen to the recording to get the starting note, and then sing acapella.
How parents can support practice: encourage to find a consistent time each or every other day before/after dinner or before/after homework etc. Try to get Harlowe to teach you some of what she has learned!

Great work, see you next week :)