Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 min/day
What to practice: tuning the guitar (with the clip-on tuner) & playing the intro to “My Girl” using the tab sheet
How to practice it most effectively: one string and one note at a time :)
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 min/day
What to practice: scales (C, G, D major), “Windmill” full piece, both hands together, and beginning of “Jurassic Park” theme
How to practice it most effectively: in little sections – dedicate each practice time to one piece
How parents can support practice: listen to a recording of “Jurassic Park” theme song together and make observations about the mood of the piece, the changes in dynamics etc. as we can incorporate these into the playing!
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20min/day
What to practice: vocal warm-ups (to increase range and flexibility), piano page 8 in your book (“Firefly”), and singing “When I was your man” (focus on chorus and bridge!)
How to practice it most effectively: start with warm-ups before singing & separate voice and piano practice times
How parents can support practice: encourage vocal warm-ups before singing, and during practice times encourage Samara to use her full voice!
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20min/day
What to practice: “Fur Elise” page 1, RH and LH separately
How to practice it most effectively: try to find the copy of the music I gave you. I will also make another copy for next week. For now, practice each hand separately and slowly, and look at the music for cues.
How parents can support practice: encourage both reading music (to improve sightreading) and learning from youtube tutorials
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: the major scales and their relative minors (C, G, D, A & Am, Em, Bm, F#m), and “Let It Snow”
How to practice it most effectively: for “Let it snow”, break into small melodic chunks and repeat several times before putting together into one long phrase
-pay attn to dynamics throughout piece (mf, f, stacatto)
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: vocal warm-ups, singing through “Everywhere,” open ‘ahh’ during chorus & “Christmas Waltz”
How to practice it most effectively: for “Christmas Waltz”, practice elongating phrases with lots of air and breath support, imagine that the song is dancing the Waltz
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15min/day
What to practice: warm-ups and “One day” for the recital – for high notes in chorus, get lots of air
Trust yourself, you’ll do great! stand confidently, shoulders, neck, and chest relaxed. Remember, you are telling a story with this song – draw people in, make them want to hear the story. And… have fun :D
Great work!