Free Workshop
If you are one of our piano teachers or have an interest in Piano Pedagogy, there is a Free piano workshop coming up at Bloor St. United Church, hosted by Steve’s Music, on Friday, August 23rd, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The workshop features Helen Marlais, whose series of books will be the focus of the workshop.
Free Books, Food, Prizes
This workshop will include a package of books (6 of them!) with your registration, likely a free lunch or snacks, and the opportunity to have your name drawn for additional prizes (probably gift cards to Steve’s Music).
I would like for our piano teachers to please consider going to this. As an incentive, you may add 1 hour of extra billing time to your next invoice if you participate in the Workshop (piano teachers only). I am very keen on any additional training you may be able to take. If you have any questions you can call Shashi Ramu at Steve’s at 416-593-8888.
Application forms are in your boxes, but you can likely call to register, as well.