DVDs Now Available!
If you participated in the Spring Recital on May 6th, you should be receiving your Recital DVDs this week. Since we had a lot of recitals, there are two discs, and you will receive the one that contains the performance(s) you were in. If for whatever reason you do not receive your DVD at your lesson, please be sure to mention it to the desk on your way out, or call us so we can get one made for you.
Videos Online
As part of our new website, the videos from our recitals are going to start re-appearing on the site, beginning with the most recent recitals, and going backwards. You will be able to find them on the Free Resources Page.
What time did I play?
If you can’t remember what time you played at, there is a Program for each of the recitals, as long as it will be in our records.
As usual Photos of the recital (for your particular student) are available upon request. Just ask at the desk.
Thank you!
We had a number of delays in getting these videos to you, and it has taken much longer than we would have liked. Thank you for your patience, and we hope you enjoy them!