Hi Team,
The review process is closed now. Appointments will be in the week of 11-16th of May. I will let you know the specific days shortly.
As a preliminary view, please take a look a this PDF. It covers three areas that we’ll discuss at our meetings, but that need your consideration and attention now.
Homework Post Quality
This gives you some idea of how you are doing. Please take this opportunity to look at your colleagues’ posts that are highly rated, and begin to emulate them.
Emails Read
Generally speaking, this is a pretty significant area for concern. If you aren’t well informed about what is happening here, it sends a certain message about your investment in ABC. I know that Jonny has some form of disconnect where the tracking is concerned, but I cannot believe that we average just over half messages read. I ask you to please make it your personal missions to increase this to 100%. That being said, the numbers say that only 60% of you will get this, so I will be repeating this at the GM.
Record Checks
As you may remember, we retired the OESC cards in favour of a renewable Toronto Police Vulnerable Sector Record Screening. Since doing so, we have fallen out of compliance (my fault), and now it is time to get back on the horse.
The star ratings on the PDF linked above indicate how far we are from renewal: 0=time to renew or overdue, 5=close to 2 years left.
I will be putting new record check forms in your boxes this week, and require you to submit a copy of the receipt from the TPS showing that it is in-process by no later than April 3rd, the date of the General Meeting.
This gives you a basic overview of how we are doing as a team (and the colour is reddish). Fortunately, your self-reviews reflect this in general, which means you are aware of areas that need improvement. Now we do it!
More soon,