Padwork (1min/ea)
–Triplet ex. (Goal Tempo=130)
–Sixteenth-Note Exercise (goal tempo = 100)
–Flam Taps: try “breaking down” this rudiment (slow–>max speed–>slow)
–Singles, Doubles, Paradiddles – goal tempo: 130bpm
Give It Away by Red Hod Chili Peppers (Click here to print)
–Realistic Rock exercises 1-6 on this worksheet** (RR. 14-15)
Warmups (1min each):
–Triplet Exercise 110bpm
–Sixteenth-note Exercise 90bpm
Syncopation Book: Lesson 4, Ex. 5-8***
Lenny Kravitz: Are you Gonna Go My Way
–Add in the Chorus this week–learn everything up until the next verse
–Triplet Exercise 90bpm** (1min) — dribble the basketball
–PAS Rudiments Chart: Single Stroke Roll, Single Stroke Four, Double Stroke Roll, 5-str Roll
–Bass drum exercise: “1 + 2 3 + 4 ” working on speed
–**Stick control ex. 1-8 with bass drum and snare drum (R=bass, L=Snare)
Drumset Musician: p. 14** practice these exercises to get a feel for different snare patterns
Nirvana: Drain You–main groove working on speed