-Warmups (30 sec each)
-New Warm Up Song: Back Pocket
-8 on a hand
-Singles; doubles; paradiddles
-Roll exercise (apple-apple-watermelon-watermelon)
Ride Pattern Exercise
-Fruit Salad game
*Alfred Lesson 4 **please print (google drive)
*Ex. 1-8
**New worksheet: Drumset Musician p. 11
*keep working on #6 a)
**extra challenge: learn #7 a)
Musical Alphabet
C Major Scale
note reading: lines and spaces in treble clef
*Piano Adventures p. 31


Flams (found on the PAS Rudiments Chart – print from google drive)
Flam Taps
Singles, Doubles, Paradiddles – new goal tempo: 90bpm
Fall Out Boy – Dance, Dance (please print from google drive)
-Intro this week


-Warmups (1min each):
Triplet Exercise 95bpm
1 measure RH; 2mm LH
Sixteenth-note Exercise 70bpm
One time through each pattern, then switch hands
Syncopation Book: *p. 8, ex. 7-12
Toto: Hold the Line
*first four bars of groove


-8 on a hand
-Stick Control **14-23 (200bpm)
-Drumset Musician p 12, last three exercises, a) and b)
-Summer songs: Four Teeth by True Widow
-Four bar main groove (handout)
drill that last few beats