Trained Music Together Teacher
Jennifer is a Toronto-based singer, actor, musician and teacher. Since 2013 she ‘s been a stay-at-home mom to Sylvie and Marius, without whom she probably wouldn’t have encountered Music Together!
Jennifer taught piano at Branksome Hall Girls’ School for 8 years, as well as to adults and children out of her own home studio. You may have caught her on stage at the Toronto Fringe Festival in her play “Will”, or at the Ford Centre for the Arts with her Drumming Master Kwasi Dunyo and the Nathaniel Dette Chorale. She currently holds the positions of Cantor and Music Director on Sundays at Eglise Sacre-Coeur de Toronto.
Jennifer is excited to introduce this wonderful, smart and fun program, Music Together, to parents and toddlers, as it was introduced to her and her children.
Get to know Jennifer…Beyond the Bio!
Hobbies: Singing, writing, reading, gaming, singing, singing and singing!
Musical influences: k.d.lang, Susan Hookong-Taylor, Etta James.
Favourite food: Indian!
Least favourite food: Blood sausage ” class=”EmojiInsert Apple-web-attachment” style=”vertical-align: bottom; opacity: 1;” src=”” alt=”?”>
Favourite musical theatre/opera: Les Miserables, Turandot
Best quote from your teacher: “Get out of your head!”
Favourite quote: “I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done. -Lucille Ball
Favourite book: Fall on your Knees, Ann Marie Macdonald
Best thing about teaching at ABC: New challenges!