Please mark your calendars for Sunday December 2 recital at around noon :)
Alex needed a refresher this week after having some time off, so we went over the three rules to follow before we start playing (Which hand, which fingering, which note), proper hand position (no pancake hands, and trimmed nails for next week please!), and the C position.
Alex should review pages 16 and 17 (explaining C position) before he plays through pages 18 and 19, and then continue on to practice his two new pieces for this week, Wishing Well and Balloons.
If it helps, he should count aloud three beats to a bar for this week’s pieces.
I recommend playing Happy Song for the Dec 2 recital, since he has this learned and memorized, and I can play the duet with him. You can do it Alex, I believe in you!
Abi’s top priority in singing is to focus on revolutionizing the way she uses her breath for singing! We have gone over this extensively with written reminder notes given to her for her to reflect over the week. Practice taking breaths as we did in class throughout the week, 3-5 times a day (morning or evening or when you are trying to relax would be best) — big natural breath while you lift your arms above you head, exhale as you bend over to touch your toes, this will make your exhale more natural AND more complete (expelling all the breath), then take in a deep natural breath while still bent over — feel how your back expands — and breathe out as you slowly straighten back up.
Deep breaths before each verse of Papillon, remember to crescendo through the end of each of the three verses, honour each verse’s unique character, bring out the happiness, cheekiness and innocence of the piece so there is no question for the audience, despite the piece being in a minor key (f minor), sing out!
June Magic is a perfect piece to practice and strengthen your breath because of its walking melody. Keep the forward momentum going! My guidance is needed for this, and we will focus on breath as a priority over this term.
Please discuss about lengthening your lesson time to 60 minutes, it will allow us to be more thorough in our work with repertoire as well as give much needed time for sight singing, interval training, ear training, and theory.