Dear Students, another reminder that Sunday December 2 is the date of our upcoming recital!

Invite friends and family to cheer you on!!


Excellent work as usual! Please trim your nails for next week’s lesson.

Remember the types of notes there are and their values (eg. Half note = 2 beats, looks like the empty note with a stick)

Please memorize Wishing Well for next week, be very mindful of the correct rhythm!

Balloons – Excellent work on this! You really mastered it over the course of our lesson together, and *if you would be open to it,**We can add this to your recital performance.* It would be a nice contrast with “Happpy Song”, and both pieces have a cute duet with me! Please give this a thought.

New Song: Who’s on Third – this is a milestone piece because we are beginning now to learn about skips (intervals of a third) in our songs. Please give this song a good look over the week!

Remember the trick that Skips (3rds) are always line to line or space to space while steps (2nds) are always line to space or space to line.



Please help Ava to select her favourite piece from her adventures book to play at the upcoming recital :) Old MacDonald would be fine and the obvious choice, but perhaps there is another she likes better and is just as comfortable with? For singing let’s give Do-Re-Mi a go!

Please consider lengthening Avas time to 45 minutes :)

Ava should continue practicing Ode to Joy and have it comfortably by memory for next week. Then we can have some fun with the duet and dynamics (louds and softs).

Please also start the new song Sea Story, it is a relatively long piece so make it more accessible by breaking up the week into two halves, the first of which can be dedicated to the LH section and the second of which can be dedicated to the RH section . :)

In singing, I will record her lesson from now on, which will include all the reminders for her singing, all the warmup and other singing exercises, and the repertoire. :) Allow her to listen as often as she wants as long as she promises to sing along whole heartedly at least 80% of the time.

In listening to the recordings she will develop her ear. Eventually this will allow her to continue on to more formal sight singing, ear training and theory exercises.

Good work Ava! We always have a good laugh!