ABC Academy of Music

Lessons & Classes

for All Ages

ABC Academy BLOG2022-08-24T15:06:37-04:00

ABC Academy BLOG

Information about Music Lessons, Music Education, and all interesting things Musical!

How Music Lessons for Kids Boost Social Skills

December 15th, 2023|

Music boost children’s social skills and it’s a universal language that has the power to connect people, evoke emotions, and foster creativity. While the benefits of music education are well-documented, one often overlooked aspect is its impact on social skills, especially when it comes to children.


Learning an Instrument as an Adult

September 21st, 2021|

“I’m too old”

”I don’t have enough time”

”It’s too difficult”

”I can’t afford it”

“I don’t have any musical talent”

These are probably the five most common reasons we hear from people who tell us they’re unable to learn a new instrument as an adult.  However, anyone, regardless of age or skill level […]

How Group Music-making Boosts Social Skills

September 7th, 2021|

There’s a lot of research being done on the use of music for therapeutic purposes. Scientists have found that making music in a group environment can help people of all ages improve their social skills.

Group music-making has been shown to increase the release of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin –chemicals that […]

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