I Want Choir FREE This Fall –
Sign My 10-14 Year Old Up!

Fill in your Name and Phone Number below, and we’ll call you to book your spot as soon as possible!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    ABC  Kids’ Choirs

    Where Pop Music, Tradition, and Education Meet for the Best Experience You Can Have!

    FREE October & November 2018 – Registration Now Open!

    Kids Aged 10-14, call now to book! 416-651-7529

    Children’s Choirs in Toronto

    Children’s choirs are available at ABC Academy of Music in Toronto.  Call now to register or for more information.

    Voice – Your Child’s Instrument

    The voice is our built-in instrument, and our natural form of expression.  Harnessing this most natural form of self-expression to build vital and enjoyable life skills starts with singing, and singing with others.

    Why a Choir?

    Choirs are a simple and effective way to tap into things that make us satisfied, happy people:

    • Social interaction with peers
    • A safe environment to grow skills with others
    • A carefully curated musical ‘diet’ and experience designed to broaden their horizons culturally, historically, rhythmically, and tonally
    • A traditional and fun-based, yet structured environment in which to grow, and gradually increase challenge and satisfaction

    What About Private Music Lessons?

    At ABC Academy, our priority is to make sure you and your child get the musical experience that will allow you to celebrate music for your entire lives.  Because each child is in a slightly different developmental range, and as some children are shy, or simply dislike being the focus of a lesson, private music lessons may not be the best place to start.  Some kids just react better in a group setting, with the stimulation and interaction with other peers in roughly the same age group.

    You can still do private lessons as well, as they are an excellent complement to choirs, and vice-versa.  These can be any lessons that ABC offers, not just voice!

    If you choose to do both, we’ll give you a great discount.  Combining private lessons and Choir is a great way to accelerate development!


    Private Lessons + ABC Choir

    Double up on your music education efforts with your children, and we’ll give you 10% off both programs for as long as you do both.

    How Does Choir Work?

    Students are led through a warm-up (so they don’t hurt their voices), age-appropriate music theory instruction (so kids understand how the music they sing works), and singing a balance of traditional and popular music.

    We guarantee you will have fun that you will remember for a lifetime, all the while developing great new social and group skills, friends, and a community of fellow music lovers.

    Are There Concerts?  Yes!

    At a minimum, choirs will perform at our winter and spring recitals.  When possible, choirs will also perform in public, street festivals, music festivals, and other opportunities as they arise.  All concerts are mandatory for students.

    Easy Learning at Home with Digital Aids

    ABC Choir won’t quite be as much work as private lessons, but you’ll still need to do at least 5 days of maintenance and practice between rehearsals.  To make things easier for the modern family and student, we’ll have a combination of the following resources to help you!

    Video Warm-Ups

    To help you, we’ll upload a series of warm-up and voice-strengthening videos to make sure you get some focused and simple help to make the most of your limited time from week to week.  Your conductor will also make recommendations about how much time you should try to practice each day.  A little goes a long way, and regularity is better, even if you can only put in a few minutes!

    Sing-Along Tracks

    When possible, we’ll also provide links to sing-along tracks or video, so you can work on your parts away from the group.

    Music Downloads

    When and where possible, sheet music downloads will also be made available, helping to guarantee that the dog will never eat your music again!

    Our Choir Director

    Ezra Burke

    Toronto Choral Conductor Ezra BurkeWith degrees from Cambridge University (UK) and the University of Toronto, Ezra’s degrees are matched by his breadth of experience and kind personality.

    In addition to duties at ABC, Ezra is tremendously active as Associate Conductor with the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Director of a Barbershop Chorus, and singing locally, as well.

    Our Choirs, By Age & Level

    ABC Logo

     ABC Jr. Choir:
    8 through 10 Year Olds

    In Planning

    Jr. Choir is a foundational group, designed to:

    • transition kids from Rhythm Kids
    • introduce a Conductor and following traditional musical direction
    • refining tuning, and introducing group tuning
    • refining rhythm, and introducing group timing
    • expanding literacy concepts, and the beginnings of learning music
    • introduction of basic harmony/part singing (polyphony)

    Weekly Rehearsal, 1h per week.

    ABC Logo

    ABC Choir:
    10 through 14 Year Olds

    Starts October 2018 – Free in October & November!

    ABC Choir includes all of the Jr. Choir foundations, and expands to include:

    • Up to 3 part harmony
    • increased rhythmic complexity
    • increased melodic complexity
    • more songs, and higher expectations for preparedness
    • expanded, advancing music theory instruction

    Weekly rehearsal, 1.5h per week.

    ABC Singers:
    By Invitation/Recommendation

    In Planning

    This advanced group is intended for the highest degree of challenge and enjoyment, and may be independent of, or in addition to either of the other choirs.  Expect:

    • Longer rehearsals
    • Multi-part harmony
    • Challenging Rhythm
    • Required minimum practice at home
    • Required competition participation

    This group will be by invitation and recommendation, but a student may request to be considered, so don’t be shy.

    Weekly Rehearsals, 1.5h minimum per week.