Great job today everyone! Here are your suggestions for the week:
-Fandango: keep up the great practicing!
-Hey Jude: practice pg 1-2 hands together, and 3rd page both hands separately and hands together. Isolate the 3rds and the chords in bars 39-43
-Tarantella: keep up the great practicing; continue to work on speeding up the eighth notes to a consistent tempo throughout the whole piece
-Morning: keep practicing the first page hands separately; maybe try putting hands together if you’re up for it?
-Sonatina: practice whole piece hands together. Isolate and do some extra drills (both hands separately and together) on bars 21-22, 82-83, 106-107, and 84 to the end
-Allegro: keep up the practicing hands together! What dynamics can you add?
-Kitchitikipi: practice hands together, paying special attention to the chords at the end and adding dynamics
Hope everyone has a fun and spooky Halloween this weekend! See you next time :)