I hope everyone has been enjoying this wonderful sunny weather!
Ramiro – Thanks for bringing your Suzuki book today! Let’s continue to remember to bring it.
– Recommended practice time: 15-20 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: A and D Major scales, Twinkle theme and variations, and Lightly Row. Play the scales using long bow strokes and use the time to pay attention to make sure your bow is in between the bridge and fingerboard, and to also check on your posture. Choose 2-3 variations of Twinkle to play each time you practice and focus on keeping a steady beat. For Lightly Row, continue playing and repeating until you feel more comfortable. Watch out for the rhythms and where your fingers are on the fingerboard.
Olivia – Keep thinking about Intermediate vs Senior Strings! Just remember there is no pressure and no wrong answer. It’s more about how much commitment you want to put into it, and your music teacher at school said you have time to think about it.
– Recommended practice time: 30-40 min/day, 5 days/week
– Practice: G, D, and C Major scales (two octaves), A minor scale (one octave, melodic and harmonic) and sight reading in your book. When sight reading, remember to take your time! Take a look at the key signature, time signature, what notes occur most often, what rhythms occur most often, etc. There is no need to rush into it. We will keep sight reading and also finding a solo piece during your next lesson!
Thank you, everybody, and happy playing!