Hi Everybody! Glad to hear that subbing with Pino went well! Sorry for the late assignments, hope that you’ve still been able to work on what what was covered in the lesson!
Recommended Practice Time: 15-30mins every day
What to practice: Keep working through Lesson 3 and focus on the beats!
Recommended Practice Time: 30mins every day
What to practice: Keep practicing through Verbatim.
How to practice effectively: Keep using check patterns for the chorus groove and think about putting more weight on the 3rd beat rather than the 16th note that precedes it, thats going to help get you closer to the right feel. Then practice getting through the fills and playing it along to the song!
Recommended practice time: 30mins every day
What to practice: Congrats on a great job playing in the recital!!!! Have some fun this week playing to whatever songs you want!
Recommended practice time: 30mins every day
What to practice: Fantastic job playing in the recital!!! Great to see some improvements with your listening skills and see you stick with the song.This week we’ll keep working on Coffin Dance so keep practicing the tricky parts!
Recommended practice time: 30mins every day
What to practice: I heard Pino got you working on some cool diddle patterns for the hand exercises in Lesson 9, I would love to hear them! Lets see if we can get through the Lesson 10 reading on wednesday too!