Hello Everyone,

This is the assignment for this week,


Recommended minutes to practice: 30-40 minutes per day

What to practice: Rudiment #6-10 on the snare drum. C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab major scales in one octave. Pick one of your favorite piano piece and play the melody on the xylophone.

How to practice:

Rudiment… Set your metronome quoter equal to 60 and play each note even. More details about the rudiment… #7, RRLLR  LLRRL. #8, R LLRRL R LLRRL.  #9, RRLLRRL RRLLRRL. #10, RRLLRRLLR LLRRLLRRL.

Scales…  I would like you to constantly check the hight of both hands and mallets, so that you can play all the notes evenly in terms of dynamics and articulation. Please keep in your mind that flats are added in order of B, E, A, D, and G.

Piano piece… Read the treble clef line which is usually the melody. Try playing the melody phrase by phrase rather than play it through from the beginning to the end.


Recommended minutes to practice: 20 minutes a day

What to practice: Double stroke (RRLL), A section of new drum beat that we worked on our lesson.

How to practice:

Double stroke: I would like you to use the single stroke exercise pattern (keep quoter notes on base drum but go faster on the snare drum) for practicing doubles. e.g.) R    R     L     L, R R L L R R L L, RRRR LLLL RRRR LLLL….

How parents can support practice: Providing a binder for your child really helps them organising their sheet music.

Have a wonderful week,
