Hi everyone,
Here are your practice assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 15-20 minutes per day
What to practice: #1-12 from the “Lesson 5” sheet.
How to practice it most effectively: Start by reviewing all the rhythms that we worked on at the beginning of your lesson. Then practice #1-12 on the lesson 5 sheet by identifying the rhythms on the snare and bass drum, counting them out loud, and then playing them together with the hi-hat. If you have trouble with the coordination, practice slower.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10-15 minutes per day
What to practice: The two new drum beats that I wrote down in your book.
How to practice it most effectively: These drum beats involve playing sixteenth notes on the snare drum in between some of the hi-hat notes. First identify where the snare notes should be placed, then count the beat out loud slowly as you play. This will help with accuracy of the rhythm and consistency as you repeat the beat several times.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: The two 16th note beats that I wrote down in your book.
How to practice it most effectively: Focus on keeping a steady speed on the hi-hat while alternating between your left hand and right hand. Count the beat in your head so that you don’t miss the snare drum on 2 and on 4. Also, remember that all the bass drum notes will be played together with your left hand on the hi-hat.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: The introduction of “The View From The Afternoon” by the Arctic Monkeys.
How to practice it most effectively: Focus on keeping a steady pulse on the floor tom throughout this intro. Look closely at the notes that I wrote down in your book to make sure you’re playing each part correctly. Practice slowly at first and then, as it starts to feel comfortable, try to gradually get closer to the speed of the song.
Nate M.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: The rhythm review that I wrote down in your book.
How to practice it most effectively: Start by reviewing each of the types of notes that we talked about in your lesson and how each one should be counted. Then practice counting and playing the four rhythms that I wrote down for you. With #4, write the counting below the notes before you try to play it. If you have trouble, use the examples at the top of the page as a reference.
Recommended minutes to practice: 20-30 minutes per day
What to practice: The second pre-chorus and the bridge from “Arabella” by the Arctic Monkeys.
How to practice it most effectively: Practice the pre-chorus at a comfortable speed several times while counting the beat out loud or in your head. Then, once it feels comfortable at that speed and all the rhythms are secure, then speed it up a little bit and practice it some more. Gradually get closer to the speed of the song, but don’t sacrifice accuracy for speed. With the bridge, focus on getting used to the coordination required to play the beat. It will feel weird at first playing the snare drum on every beat with the bass drums in between, but it will start to feel more groovy with more practice.