Hi all!


Good work again this week!

Daniel:  You got all the chords this week!  We worked on the formulas for creating the major chord types this week – major triad, minor triad, dominant chord, minor seventh and major seventh!  I emailed you some links to additional resource materials, so let me know if you have any trouble downloading those from Dropbox.  Next week, aim to bring in a piece of music and we can try assembling some of these kinds of chords in the lesson!

Viv:  We worked on a new major triad – E major, which has an E, a G# and a B in it.  This chord is a little too large for little hands, so you’re going to play it with one finger of the left hand and two on the right!  Try this in inversions as well!  Next week, you and your parents will select the next piece of music that we will learn! 10 – 15 minutes a day.

Paula: the opening to Do Re Mi sounds great!  Keep working towards shaping the vowels in this tune, especially the [o] (as in ‘hope’) vowel.  Next week we will work on Do Re Mi and new song Spider web (Joan Osborne).  If I can find a recording at home, I will upload it to Dropbox for you!

Olivia:  Great work at the recital last week!  You were super brave, and sounded amazing!  New song time – you’re going to begin working on I Know It’s Today from Shrek.  Learn the Young Fiona verses this week. I will upload a backing track to Dropbox for you. 20 minutes a day.

Arjean:  We’re working on My Funny Valentine.  Watch final consonants – don’t let them creep in early!  Be very precise with the vowels you are choosing in every syllable, and make sure to sing through the vowel!  15 – 20 minutes a day.