Hi all! Remember that daily practice will help you progress!
Kayla: Keep working on Monster Bus Driver and Twinkle with the CD accompaniment. 10 minutes a day practice.
Maleeya: You’re working on Eating Ice Cream and The orchestra this week. Make sure to have both hands on the piano at all times, and keep your focus on the music! 15 minutes practice daily.
Andre: Good work this week! Your range has improved so much in the last few months! Make sure you are always singing medium loud (Mezzo forte) at minimum! You Make Me Feel So Young – swing style. Give the quarter notes a little space, and keep the eighth notes smooth and connected!
Paula: Use the Kenny Loggins recording to help secure your rhythms in the second verse and the bridge! P. 91 use the resource recording I gave you to help solidify your rhythms there.
Olivia: Two new pages in Full voice. Complete your IPA for page 2 and 3 in Fight song, and you’re working on a new theory booklet – pages 28, 29 and 30. Don’t forget to watch two videos of yourself singing warmups, and make SPECIFIC comments about your tone, breath control, accuracy etc. 25 minutes a day practice.
Arjean: Good work today! You’re adding a new technical exercise this week – I Sigh to Sing. Aim for upper note as the loudest part of the phrase, and keep all of your vowels very tall. In Like a Lover, watch for vocal fry, and take time with the B section – this isn’t learned quite as thoroughly as the beginning. Keep sound supported, even though we are aiming for a light sound. Use the backing track I will put in your drive to practice singing with the accompaniment. 20 – 25 minutes a day practice.