Please click here for the preliminary 2015-16 Academic year schedule. If you are not on this list, then you have not yet booked your fall spot. The VIP pre-registration period is now over, and anyone can take any spot on a first-come, first served basis. Please call us now at 416-651-7529 to tell us what time you would like.
Billing Will Occur on May 20th
To secure your fall time, we will be billing for the month of September on May 20th for those people who have registered, to hold your spot for the fall. If there is any problem with this, please let us know ASAP.
Check your times to be sure that your are getting what you asked for, as billing reflects what is on this list.
Please, Consider Switching Your Payment to PAP
Processing Credit Cards costs ABC many hundreds of dollars each month. We would appreciate if you would consider switching to PAP (Pre-Authorized Payments), using a void cheque, or PAP form from the Bank. The advantage of this may not be immediate to you – but it affects our ability to keep our lesson costs down, and if everyone of our students were to switch, this would be a very helpful step towards keeping our tuition reasonable. We appreciate your kind consideration! Just drop it off at the office at your earliest convenience.
Summer Lessons Now Open
For those of you that indicated an interest in Summer lessons, we will be contacting you for your preferred times this week. You can also call in to book.
Recital Video Update
We have been experiencing trouble producing our DVDs, which have been traditionally done in-house. For the moment, it is likely that we will provide links to download the files directly, so you can have access to them. This will be the fastest, and most cost-effective way to get these out to you. We’ll continue to work on the physical production issue, and resume when possible.