Nice meeting you today! If you can get a drum pad, just work on the basic grip I showed you and try to play very evenly. Set a metronome to 80 and try to play along with it daily if possible.
Good work on the xylophone! The piece for Hannaford should be fine, there is a good chance you are playing it too fast though. Try to practice the exercise I showed you at the end if possible. Start slow and make sure everything is very accurate but once you get used to the pattern go as fast as you can!
The malletstation is what I was talking about for an electronic keyboard; it has gone up in price since I last checked and is now $1500 on long&mcquade. Professional xylophones easily go over $6000 just for reference. The most affordable option is probably a practice xylophone which just doesn’t have the resonator: there should be some $500 options. I lf you get an actual xylo do not get anything less than 3.5 octaves.