
Recommended Practice Time: 15-30mins every day

What to practice: This week Lucas I want you to play the Hand Exercises of Lesson 1 as well as the beat breakdown at the end.

How to practice effectively: Be sure to keep a steady pulse when you’re counting and playing, go as slow as you need to but not so slowly that you lose the pulse. Be sure to repeat each of the hand exercises a lot!

Great work today Lucas, keep playing music with your Dad!


Recommended Practice Time: 30mins every day

What to practice: Next week Ella lets start with a fun-through of Violent Sun, take a look through Lesson 8, and finish off by starting on Verbatim.

How to practice effectively: Work it slowly up to tempo with a metronome, remembering to keep your hands relaxed and pumping the arms on the main beat to smooth out the sound and add some musical inflection. Here is a video of me playing the chorus for audio/visual reference and here is a video of the drummer Michael Spearman playing the song. For lesson 8 focus on counting out the rhythms correctly and playing each of the beats 4-8 times.

And here is some fun listening if you’re interested:

Imogen Heap, Speak for Yourself

Muse, Black Holes and Revelations

Really impressed with your work on Violent Sun Ella, keep it up!


Recommended practice time: 30mins every day

What to practice: Next week Jonah I want you to come prepared to play through the Lesson 9 beats 4-8 times and work through the reading with the dynamics this time.

How to practice effectively: Really good job this week Jonah, for this next week now that we have covered more about dynamics, try to follow them in the Reading section. We will talk more about technique next week. And for the beats, play them each 4-8 times and ALWAYS count out the fills. We want to be able to count anything we see!

I had a lot of fun with you today Jonah, excited to keep learning with you!


Recommended practice time: 30mins every day

What to practice: Next week Samson, I want you to play through Lesson 7.

How to practice effectively: Right now I would say I want you to focus most important on making sure that for the reading, that each stroke starts and stops above the drumhead, this will help develop a stroke that can take advantage of rebound. Then for the beats make sure to play each one 4-8 times to get it really solid. If we have some time next week we can also start looking more at Uptown Funk.

Keep working Samson, I know you’re capable of so much!


Recommended practice time: 30mins every day

What to practice: This week Sylvie your goal is to practice the pre-chorus fill and the last half of the song. Here are the transcriptions of the beats. And here is a form chart of the song.

How to practice effectively: You’ve got a really good handle on the song, just be sure listen for the details. I think the beginning of the song is in a good spot and now its going to be more effective to look at the end and then you can go back and put both together.

Great work today, keep it up!