You have such good and positive energy!  I’m so glad you are finding your voice.  The more I hear you the more I hear a voice inside you ready to blossom.  I think that the Carousel song is a great start.  Keep going with your interest in musicals.  Is there another song from that show that appeals? Or maybe there’s another show?  This week try to find two songs you’d like to learn.  It’s time to start building your repertoire along with your voice.   If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me through Barnaby. See you soon!!

You have such a great vibe about you.  I really like how you can change the character of your voice with simple suggestions (emotional robot etc).  There are many directions we can go in terms of studies.  Take this week to make a list of ideals you’d like when it comes to your voice and performing.  We will drill down to see how we can systematically strengthen your voice along with your musical expression.    If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me through Barnaby.  Also!  Talk to me of Mendocino!  A great tune….have a look/learn this tune and see how it feels.  If you need to change the key that’s fine.  Remember that when you are working on specific things (tuning, rhythm, coordination with piano) repetition is your FRIEND!  I am so looking forward to making more music  with you.  Cheers!

Maybe we should work on some Donny O. songs?   hehe  just kidding…I do think it would be good to find a few show tunes that suit your voice.  Do some random searching through youtube.  I think something from Cabaret would be cool, but let your imagination get wild!  Find a character you have not yet explored.  :)  Remember the warm ups should be gentle humming.  As you are getting more used to this extend your warm ups to 15 minutes in length.  Notice how extending the warm up gives you more options with your voice.   If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me through Barnaby. See you soon bella!  :)