Hello Everyone!
Here is the homework for this week!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
Good work Julian this week. For homework you can continue to work on Ferris Wheel, try using the metronome set to 100 bpm. You also have 2 new songs, Mexican Jumping bean and Haunted mouse. Always begin by clapping and counting the rhythm, next you can read through the notes after that you are ready to try playing. If anything is tricky try playing hands apart.
We learned about Staccato! Staccato notes are short and detached. I like to say that the piano is hot when we touch it! Try playing the staccato notes in the songs like the piano is really hot!
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 30 minutes per day
Good work Zoe with Climb up on an elephant. We will continue with our exam prep. Be sure to work through Celebration this week as this one is much newer than the rest. Play through all required pieces, List A, B, and C as well as the etude.
Your scales are sounding very confident. Great work with these. In addition to the scales and triads, work through some sight reading exercises in the book.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day
Good work with all the songs we worked through. You may now look at our new song Bugle boys. This song is the last one in the primer book and afterwards we will move to the level 1book you have purchased. Please use the handout provided.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day
Good work with All my friends! You can now move onto C’mon tigers and Princess and a monster. Be sure to clap and count the rhythm before you play it on the piano. This will help you develop a strong beat. Have fun with your new music. We are so close to the end of the book!
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 15-20 minutes per day
Good work Carmen with Aardvark Boogie! It’s coming along very well. Continue to count out loud this week during this song. You may also want to include some dynamic contrast in the piece so look out for those dynamic markings. You also have Whirling leaves, for this one be sure to really count and check for any wrong notes. I would advise clapping and counting before playing to help form a strong beat. Afterwards you can begin playing again. You also have a new song called Sword Dance, for this one begin the steps to learning a song and fill in the counting before playing.
Good work with F Major scale. Let’s move onto Bb Major scale. You will play this in both hands separately up to 1 octave. Note: Bb Major scale in your right hand begins on finger 2 and begins on finger 3 in your left hand. Review your notes for these scales.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
Good work with Monkeys Ahara! We will now move onto I need a home for my Dinosaur. For this song, look out for the dotted half notes. These notes are three beats longs and you need to keep singing it for all three beats. Look through the song before singing, so you know where they all are and highlight them by circling or colouring it in. You will also need to watch out for some rest. These are silent beats and we will continue to learn how to clap them in the coming lessons. Note: You may always sing your favourite songs in addition to your new songs.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!