Hello Everyone!
Here is the homework for this week, remember that March 15-21 there are no lessons!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
Good work Julian. I loved the new song you learned Jack in the beanstalk! It was so great. Feel free to experiment with songs in the performance book and try to learn them on your own! Continue to work on Young hunter. The staccatos need to be very short and jumpy, so remember that the piano is hot while you play these notes. Showboat was also great, be sure to keep your fingers curved while playing these smooth legato notes.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 30 minutes per day
Excellent work Zoë. You have done a really great job preparing for your RCM exam and I believe you will do just fine. Remember on the day of your exam to warm up with all of your scales and possibly play through all of your pieces at least once. You will also get your sight reading exercise 24 hours before the exam so be sure to look that over and play it through once you receive it. Good luck! I know you will do great!
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
I loved hearing about all of your favourite songs Isabella. Let’s begin to try some of them out on the piano! You also played firefly and I felt that is was much improved since the week before. Good work and continue to play slowly so that you have lots of time to read the note names and rhythms. If you feel confident you may try looking one song ahead in the book, otherwise maybe try experimenting with some of your favourite songs on the piano.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
Great work Renaud with your songs this week! Let’s keep working on Firefly, be sure to keep your eyes on the book and take it slow. Once you feel confident you may want to try a faster tempo. You also have Little River and Sailing in the Sun. Remember to clap and count these songs before you play them.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 10-15 minutes per day
I loved the work you have done in creating the story behind the song for Whirling leaves and I’m in and Old Castle. Continue to challenge yourself by creating a story for every song you play. This will help give you a reason for all of the dynamics and articulations in each piece. Let’s continue our work on Sword Dance at a faster tempo. You may also go ahead in the book to learn the next piece.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!
Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day
Good work on our new song The rabbit! We will continue our work with this song next week. Keep listening to the recording to help you find the notes. I would also love for you to keep practicing the short songs we have looked at.
I have sent a couple of worksheets along for you to look through. Be sure to go through them and practice all the notes we have learned! You may also sing along to our recorded lesson going through our warm ups. Remember when you hear the notes, you need to hear it in your head first and then sing it.
How parents can help:
Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!