Hello Everyone!

Here is the homework for this week.

Important reminder: There are no lessons during the week of March 15-21.



Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day


Good work with Kites in the sky, let’s continue our work on it and this week remember to count out loud so that there isn’t any stop in-between sections. You also have a few songs to work on, A Mixed Up Song, Flute Of the Andes and Runaway Rabbit. Be sure to go through the steps to learning a song. Count and clap, read through letter names and take your time once you begin playing.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day


Good work on your songs this week Sidonie! Continue to practice Mister Bluebird and the Dance Band. Remember to hold down all of the half notes and count out loud when you need to. If you feel confident, you can try out frogs on logs!

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day


Good work Camille, for this week you can continue to play Mister Bluebird and March on D-E-F. You also have The Dance Band and Frogs on Logs. Look out for the finger numbers written above the notes to find where your hand go on the piano.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day


We played through a bit of Love me like you do this week! Experiment a bit and try listening to the song then see if you can find the notes on the piano. I would also like to try more of How Far I’ll Go! Let’s try to think about what Moana is like and let’s see if we can bring some of her personality into our performance.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!


Recommended daily practice time is 5-10 minutes per day


We have moved into the next level! This week we picked out a few songs you will want to look at! Go through the steps to learning a song and try clapping and counting the rhythms before you play. This will give you a good idea of how the song is supposed to sound. Be sure to look through all of the articulations to see what else you need to consider while playing each piece.

How parents can help:

Encourage your child to have a daily practice routine and ensure that they are filling out their homework logs correctly. In addition to the online homework posts, I recommend that each student keep and maintain a homework journal where they can fill in how long they practice and what they worked on that week. You can decorate it to make it fun!