Oscar – Please work on your C major pentascales in both hands. That means notes C, D, E, F, and G. Up and down, slowly. Pay close attention to the position of your hands and your posture. Back straight, feet firmly planted, maximum range of motion, minimal tension. In addition, listen to and watch some Phineas Newborn Jr.
Avril – Please work on the half note and dotted half note exercises from the Czerny book. I’d also like you to compose some original music and show me. It can be anything you’d like – a continuation of your Jabberwocky song, or something else.
Julie – Please work on those exercises we discussed – scales (ending with the V7-I cadence), arpeggios, and broken chords (ending with the I-vi-IV-I64-V-I cadence). Also work on your usual repertoire. In addition, try out Mozart’s sonatas in C major http://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/a/a9/IMSLP56442-PMLP01855-Mozart_Werke_Breitkopf_Serie_20_KV545.pdf and A minor http://conquest.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/b/be/IMSLP56317-PMLP01843-Mozart_Werke_Breitkopf_Serie_20_KV310.pdf Remember that the A minor sonata is above your level, so don’t get too frustrated if it’s hard. It’s supposed to be. :) But the C major sonata should be just your speed.