Hi Everyone!
Here are your assignments for this week:
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min/day
What to practice: Arms Around You
How to practice it most effectively: Use a metronome if you can get access to one, if not go through your notes and count aloud, do your best to consider the timing of the notes you’re playing.
How parents can support practice: ***Metronome – looking online, Long & Mcquade should carry a “Korg” metronome for $20-25, this will work fine for Jett to practice with.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min, 4 times a week
What to practice: Drag Me Down
How to practice it most effectively: When you’re going through your notes, take an extra second to check that your left hand is on the fret you’re aiming for, and you right hand is set up on the string you’re aiming for.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Hythem to continue spending a bit of time each day on the guitar.
What to practice: Riffs! (Tidal Wave + Demons)
How to practice it most effectively: Go through the notes to your “riff”, remember to check which fret you play on, and which string you play on (two places to check – on the sheet, and on the guitar).
How parents can support practice: Encouraging Jack to pick up the guitar a few times each week is a great way to support practice.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Guitar chords – G, C, D
How to practice it most effectively: Check your frets and strings on your page, as well as on your guitar, play through the notes in the chords one at a time.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Aria to continue picking up the guitar for a few minutes each day.
Recommended minutes to practice: 5 min/day
What to practice: We Will Rock You
How to practice it most effectively: Check your music sheet for which notes to play on your guitar – two things to check for 1. Which “string” to play 2. Which “fret” to play.
How parents can support practice: Encourage Holden to pick up the guitar for a few minutes each day.
Have a good week everyone!