Hello everyone! Nicely done today. You’re all making good progress :) See below for your homework suggestions for the week.
-Runaway Rabbit: work on the RH and LH up to bar 15
-Sunflower: keep up the great work; first 3 pages hands together, the rest with just the RH
-Scarf Dance: whole piece hands together. Watch out for your rhythms for the bars with half note-quarter note pattern. Always feel the 1-2-3 time!
-practice the pentascales (5-finger scales) from pg 62 in both LH and RH, up and down the scale
-Spring: practice slowly this week
-Trumpet Concerto: practice hands together, and try to start all of the 8th note passages on finger 2
-Surprise Symphony: keep up the practicing, it’s definitely improving! Watch out that you’re playing a D on beats 1 & 2 in bar 16
-Morning Greeting: practice whole thing hands separately
-Minuet in A: practice whole thing hands together, aiming for a faster tempo
-Minuet in F: practice part 1 hands together, and part 2 hands separately, but you can also work on bars 9-16 hands together
-Imperial March: keep up the great work for one more week! Watch out for that section you were skipping before
-We might start a new piece next week, so here is the Batman Theme for you to print out: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1odq1NHUTIMPx5iUAYnXSGdLDNpgba2c2/view?usp=sharing
Hope you all have a good week, and a safe and happy Halloween!