Hi Everyone,
Here are your assignments for this week:
Declan ***Please bring a folder for your music next week
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min/day
What to practice: Bass line to "All The Things You Are"
How to practice most effectively: Go through the notes one at a time, one bar at a time at first. After you can play through bar 1 by itself, add the 2nd bar and see if you can play the first two together without stopping, then continue with bars 3+4 etc. Aim to play through the first 4 lines for next class.
How parents can support practice: Encouraging and suggesting spending time on the instrument is the best way to support practice at home.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Autumn Leaves (First two phrases)
How to practice most effectively: Go through one note at a time at first to find your letter names for your notes, as well as find your notes on your guitar. After you master finding a section of four notes together, move on to the next section.
How parents can support practice: Lucien has a good start on his song this week, and has been finding his notes on his own, checking with his reference sheet. Encouraging him to spend time practicing, and helping him check his work is the best way to support practice. We tried the first two phrases in class today (first group of 4 notes + second group of 4 notes)
Recommended minutes to practice: 15 min/day
What to practice: The Scientist - Melody
How to practice most effectively: Go through the melody to the Verses and compare your notes with the words to the song to check you have a note to each word.
How parents can support practice: Encouraging and suggesting spending time on the instrument is the best way to support practice at home.
Recommended minutes to practice: 10 min/day
What to practice: Shake It Off - Prechorus
How to practice most effectively: Take one bar at a time starting out, once you can play from note to note through the bar - add in the next bar and so forth.
How parents can support practice: Have Augustine go through his notes on the instrument, he learned a new note today which is low "E" - 2nd fret on the D string (or 4th string). He can find most of his notes on his own when he's encouraged to make an effort.
Have a good week everyone!